Kids at Work

  1. 4. - "While I was there, two __________ _______ fell or were carried in to the coal chute, where they were smothered to death. (pg 48)
  2. 8. - Breaker boys worked in ________ _________. (Pg 47)
  3. 10. - street kids that sold newspapers were called _______________.
  4. 12. - Make a person or area poor
  5. 14. - Person learning a trade from a skilled employer
  6. 17. - Abnormally thin or weak, esp. because of illness or lack of food
  7. 18. - Isolate, to keep separate
  1. 1. - Involving risk or danger
  2. 2. - "A twelve-year-old doffer boy fell into a spinning machine and the unprotected gering tore out two of his _____________." (pg 35)
  3. 3. - "None of the child labor laws in effect at that t ime applied to ______ _______." (page 63)
  4. 5. In poor health
  5. 6. - What do they call girls that work in cotton mills? (pg 32)
  6. 7. - What do they call boys that work in cotton mills? (pg 35)
  7. 9. - Photographer who exposed the dangers of child labor
  8. 11. - To use selfishly or unethically; take unfair advantage of
  9. 13. Unable to read or write
  10. 15. - People who work to make changes in something (typically social, political, or economical) to improve it
  11. 16. - A person who relies on another, esp. a family member for financial support