Kids Camp

  1. 2. How many gospels?
  2. 3. What is the last world?
  3. 5. "Children, ____ your parents".
  4. 6. What is the symbol?
  5. 12. Who was the firs man?
  6. 14. "For everyone who calls on the name
  7. 15. who was in prison
  8. 16. Who was the first king of Israel?
  9. 19. "JesusChrist is___"
  10. 20. Who built the ark?
  11. 23. "The ____ is my"
  12. 25. What is the name?
  13. 27. "Your word"
  14. 29. "When I am"
  15. 30. "If you____, you will receive"
  16. 31. "For all have sined"
  17. 32. What did Jesus did?
  18. 35. Who fough the giant?
  19. 36. Who baptized Jesus?
  20. 37. "I can do all things"
  21. 42. "Be ____to one another"
  22. 43. How many?
  23. 44. "Faith is ____"
  24. 46. "Give ___ in all circumstances".
  1. 1. " Be kind and ____"
  2. 4. What did Daviv do?
  3. 7. "____is the one whose"
  4. 8. "Have I not____"
  5. 9. Who was given?
  6. 10. "Everything is ___
  7. 11. Name the city were Jesus?
  8. 13. How many times?
  9. 17. What is the last book of Bible?
  10. 18. What is another name?
  11. 21. “You are the ____ of the Earth.”
  12. 22. "Let everuthing"
  13. 23. "You shall___
  14. 24. Who was thrown?
  15. 26. "In the Lord always"
  16. 28. "We love because He ___loved us"
  17. 31. What is the name of first book?
  18. 32. what did solomon asked
  19. 33. Where was Jesus baptized?
  20. 34. "The Lord is good"
  21. 38. "Give thanks ___"
  22. 39. "Trust in the Lord"
  23. 40. You are the ____ of the world.”
  24. 41. "For the wages of sin is_____"
  25. 45. What is the Lord?