Kids + Home

  1. 2. our signature color
  2. 4. we love to spend cool nights around the
  3. 5. what we pray for in our house
  4. 8. you have the gift of
  5. 10. our favorite hospital staff
  6. 13. our first home
  7. 14. project you did with the girls
  8. 15. our first two girls
  9. 18. G and I love to do these by the fire
  10. 19. what kind of hot was it when you did the pergola?
  11. 22. what wrecked us for the Lord
  12. 24. Wagner girls get what they want with their
  1. 1. a favorite tv show together
  2. 3. lives changed because of Jesus in our home during
  3. 6. where you get your best quiet time
  4. 7. our staple takeout when renovating
  5. 9. favorite family game to play
  6. 11. favorite activity around the house
  7. 12. G lost her first tooth while we were
  8. 16. girls' preschool
  9. 17. our favorite Christmas tree
  10. 20. our rest season
  11. 21. Char spent __ days in the NICU
  12. 23. my favorite 6H employee (besides you)