Killer Queen Easy Wins

  1. 1. In TONALITY easy wins, the key signature of the verse (2,5).
  2. 6. In METRE easy wins, Killer Queen's time signature in words (6,5).
  3. 7. In TEMPO Killer Queen is in a compound time signature and every beat is a ------/-------- (6,8).
  4. 9. In TEXTURE easy wins, this describes the overall texture of Killer Queen
  5. 12. In TEMPO the beats per minute ---/-------/---/------(BPM)written as words (3,7,3,6)
  6. 13. In DYNAMICS easy wins, Killer Queen can be described as having ----/--/----- (4,2,5).
  7. 14. In TONALITY easy wins, the chorus is described as having a key signature as well as a further description of the chorus tonality being ----/----- (4,5).
  8. 15. in INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen is described as this kind of ensemble (4,4).
  1. 2. In TONALITY easy wins the key signature of the chorus of KIller Queen (2,5).
  2. 3. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen uses this technology to combine multiple sounds, recorded separately, to then be combined into a cohesive whole.
  3. 4. In STRUCTURE easy wins, this describes the structure of Killer Queen (5,3,6).
  4. 5. In RHYTHM easy wins, this beat is often on the weaker beat or between beats.
  5. 8. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, the lead vocal can be described as a -----/----- (5,5).
  6. 10. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen uses this type of layering technology
  7. 11. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen also use this technology to move sounds around within the playback system