- 1. In TONALITY easy wins, the key signature of the verse (2,5).
- 6. In METRE easy wins, Killer Queen's time signature in words (6,5).
- 7. In TEMPO Killer Queen is in a compound time signature and every beat is a ------/-------- (6,8).
- 9. In TEXTURE easy wins, this describes the overall texture of Killer Queen
- 12. In TEMPO the beats per minute ---/-------/---/------(BPM)written as words (3,7,3,6)
- 13. In DYNAMICS easy wins, Killer Queen can be described as having ----/--/----- (4,2,5).
- 14. In TONALITY easy wins, the chorus is described as having a key signature as well as a further description of the chorus tonality being ----/----- (4,5).
- 15. in INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen is described as this kind of ensemble (4,4).
- 2. In TONALITY easy wins the key signature of the chorus of KIller Queen (2,5).
- 3. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen uses this technology to combine multiple sounds, recorded separately, to then be combined into a cohesive whole.
- 4. In STRUCTURE easy wins, this describes the structure of Killer Queen (5,3,6).
- 5. In RHYTHM easy wins, this beat is often on the weaker beat or between beats.
- 8. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, the lead vocal can be described as a -----/----- (5,5).
- 10. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen uses this type of layering technology
- 11. In INSTRUMENTATION easy wins, Queen also use this technology to move sounds around within the playback system