kine 429 law assignment

  1. 2. _______ sports act. this act created national athletic activity in the form of competitions for people with disabilities and led to the making of the committee on sports for the disabled
  2. 4. ________ with disabilities act. this act mandated that people with disabilities may not be excluded from activities in the private sector and that physical education should help people with disabilities develop skills to participate in physical activities
  3. 5. ______ with disabilities act. this act authorized using the term disability rather than handicapped and that physical education must be offered to people with disabilities with athletics
  1. 1. education for all ______ children act. this act mandated a free, appropriate public education for everyone and was the first legal obligation for adaptive physical education in the least restrictive environment
  2. 3. - _____ act. this act says that people with disabilities can't be excluded from activities receiving federal funds because of their disabilities