Kinesiology Review

  1. 3. your jaw bone
  2. 6. when something works on its own
  3. 8. your knee cap
  4. 9. position that is the bodies main reference point
  5. 11. above or closer to the skull
  6. 15. Connects bone to bone
  7. 16. your chest muscles
  8. 18. condition that involves problems with your body making insulin
  9. 20. The US sends high fructose corn syrup to Mexico and gets this in return
  10. 22. muscle contracts but stays the same size
  11. 23. involuntary muscle contraction
  12. 24. your back/spine
  1. 1. fingers and toes
  2. 2. Towards the midline of the body.
  3. 4. below or closer to the feet
  4. 5. towards the side of the boy.
  5. 7. connects muscle to bone
  6. 10. Next years superbowl champs
  7. 12. your thigh muscles
  8. 13. contraction where the muscle extends
  9. 14. when you can control a movement or action
  10. 17. next years NBA champs
  11. 19. contraction when the muscle shortens
  12. 21. collar bone