King Arthur Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. A term used in the feudal era to denote a peasant who was legally tied to a lord of the manor.
  2. 7. A covering that is worn to protect against weapons.
  3. 9. A place where a religious group resides; a center of Christian life.
  4. 10. A surcoat or tabard embroidered with heraldic devices, worn by medieval knights over their armor.
  5. 11. An appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others acting like a master.
  6. 13. a sporting contest in which two opponents on horseback fight with lances.
  1. 1. A church building in which a Christian bishop has his official seat.
  2. 2. A mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior in the Middle Ages.
  3. 4. Someone in feudal times who received protection and land from a lord in return for allegiance and other duties.
  4. 5. A book made of pages bound between two boards.
  5. 6. A type of fortified structure built in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages.
  6. 8. a village whose inhabitants worked that land, and a manor house where the lord who owned the estate lived.
  7. 9. A business person engaged in retail trade,
  8. 12. A ditch often filled with water used to protect a building or other area.
  9. 14. A person who is forced to work on a plot of land.