King Hezekiah Prays for Guidance

  1. 3. King Hezekiah choose not to follow the king of what country? (2 King 18:7)
  2. 6. When the king of Assyria taunted the people of Judah and King Hezekiah, the people did not respond to him because they were following their king's what? (2 Kings 18:36)
  3. 8. King Hezekiah held fast to the LORD and did not _________ from following Him. (2 Kings 18:6)
  4. 9. King Hezekiah did what was __________ in the eyes of the LORD. (2 Kings 18:3)
  5. 10. Isaiah told the messenger to tell King Hezekiah that the king of Assyria would fall by the sword in his ______ land. (2 Kings 19:7)
  6. 12. Hezekiah was how old when he became king of Judah? (2 Kings 18:2)
  7. 14. When King Hezekiah heard the taunts, he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the what of the LORD? (2 King 19:1)
  1. 1. As the king of Assyria was worshiping his own god (idol), his own ________ struck him down with a sword. (2 Kings 19:37)
  2. 2. King Hezekiah trusted in whom? (2 Kings 18:5)
  3. 4. Beside removing the high places where people worshiped idols, breaking the pillars of the idol temples, cutting down the Asherah poles that people worshiped, King Hezekiah also broke into pieces the bronze __________ that Moses had made because the people were worshiping it. (2 King 18:4)
  4. 5. The messenger for King Hezekiah told Isaiah that the king of Assyria was mocking the living ______. (2 Kings 19:4)
  5. 7. Isaiah told the messenger for King Hezekiah not be be what? (2 Kings 19:5)
  6. 11. What of the LORD struck down 185,000 in the camp of Assyria? (2 Kings 19:35)
  7. 13. Hezekiah was the son of whom? (2 Kings 18:1)