Kings of Israel

  1. 3. During his reign, Tiglathpileser king of Assyria took some people captive to Syria.
  2. 4. With Elisha, shot the arrow of victory over Syria.
  3. 7. During his reign, Samaria captured and Israelites carried away to Assyria.
  4. 10. Struck down by fifty men of Gilead.
  5. 11. Killed by Zimri.
  6. 14. Army reduced to only 50 horsemen, 10 chariots, and 10,000 footmen.
  7. 15. King when Benhadad besieged Samaria.
  8. 17. God saved Israel by his hand.
  9. 18. Only reigned seven days.
  1. 1. Conspired against and struck down by Shallum.
  2. 2. Married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal, king of Sidonians.
  3. 4. Wiped out Baal from Israel.
  4. 5. Fell through a lattice in his upper chamber.
  5. 6. Only reigned one month.
  6. 8. Exacted a tax of fifty shekels to give to king of Assyria.
  7. 9. Exalted out of the dust, but walked in the ways of Jeroboam.
  8. 12. Built the city of Samaria.
  9. 13. Killed by Baasha at Gibbethon.
  10. 16. Made Israel to sin.