Kira Lieu X-Word Puzzle

  1. 2. Where did Lord Cornwallis bring his Redcoats in 1781?
  2. 3. General George Wahington crossed what river?
  3. 5. Hamilton Who hated The Congress,War, and Itself?
  4. 7. Who wrote common sense?
  5. 8. It was unknown who fired the first _____?
  6. 11. Patriots are the ones who favored a separative from _____?
  7. 16. James Madison was the _____ U.S President?
  8. 17. What year did General George Washington cross the river? (Hint:17..)
  9. 18. After the war where did most "Loyalists" go after the war?
  10. 19. Sam Adams was not a very good public _____?
  1. 1. Who said the "British are coming!"
  2. 4. General Gage sne troops to Lexington and Concord in search of gunpowder and _____?
  3. 6. What year did the British surrender to bring the end of the war? (Hint:17..)
  4. 9. You would be _____ for being a traitor?
  5. 10. What month did the British surrender to the Americans?
  6. 11. What year was the "Treaty of Paris" signed? (Hint:17..)
  7. 12. What month was the "Treaty of Paris" signed?
  8. 13. What does the song "The World Turned Upside Down" mean?
  9. 14. Who played the song "The World Turned Upside Down?"
  10. 15. What holiday did General George Washington cross the river?