- 3. This single-use ability was introduced in Kirby: Star Allies
- 6. A series of elemental enemies and mid-bosses
- 9. A recurring villain in the series
- 11. An incredibly powerful ancient warrior
- 13. The weapon capable of defeating Nightmare
- 15. Another Nintendo character who appeared in Kirby's Dream Land 3
- 17. A recurring Mid-Boss who gives Kirby the Ice Ability
- 19. A powerful robot under the control of Metal General
- 21. Kirby's aquatic Animal Friend
- 22. The name of Meta Knight's ship
- 25. The protector of the Master Crown
- 27. This ability shrinks Kirby
- 28. This ability is obtained from Venogs
- 30. The most powerful healing item
- 31. The ability introduced in Kirby's Dream Land 3
- 35. The location where Zero is fought
- 36. The evil leader of the Mirror World
- 37. Meta Knight's blade
- 38. The boss found at the end of the Great Cave Offensive
- 40. This ability lets Kirby hurl razor sharp boomerangs
- 41. The ability introduced in Kirby Fighters 2
- 43. A common enemy seen hopping around without a care in the world
- 47. A powerful sorcerer who split Kirby in ten
- 49. This ability could only be obtained by collecting pieces of a medal
- 50. This ability lets Kirby snipe enemies from afar
- 1. An artist who's sometimes seen as Kirby's friend
- 2. A boss with a weakness towards their Electrified arena
- 4. A recurring boss often found in high places
- 5. A very rare ability who's biggest weakness is ladders
- 7. The nickname given to the Yellow Kirby
- 8. The home of Magolor
- 10. A powerful wish-granting entity
- 12. The land above the planet where Kirby: Triple Deluxe occurs
- 14. The leader of the Squeaks
- 16. A common enemy that gives Kirby the Beam Ability
- 18. This ability is considered Bandana Dee's signature weapon
- 19. A powerful businessman who invaded Kirby's planet
- 20. The first boss in a lot of Kirby games
- 23. The main villain of Kirby's Dream Land
- 24. Kirby's companion during the events of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
- 26. The main villain of Kirby: Canvas Curse
- 29. The main mooks of Dream Land
- 32. A killer whale boss seen twice in the series
- 33. Metallic variants of Pon & Con
- 34. This ability lets Kirby harness the power of plants
- 35. An ability only obtainable through defeating a particular ape
- 39. This ultra-heavy ability makes Kirby nigh invulnerable
- 42. A boss rush with tougher bosses
- 44. This ability provides Kirby with Race-Car like agility
- 45. The planet that most Kirby games take place on
- 46. This ability lets Kirby crush his foes by changing his form
- 48. An ability that's more of a detriment to Kirby