Kitchen & General Safety

  1. 3. The best way to remove something from the eye is to _______ it out.
  2. 6. A potential electrical safety hazard.
  3. 8. Materials that catch fire easily.
  4. 9. A common cause of kitchen accidents
  5. 10. The first thing you should do when assisting someone who has cut themselves.
  6. 13. Flammable liquids should be stored in these.
  7. 16. Type A fire extinguishers are used on this type of fire.
  8. 17. NEVER use this on a grease fire.
  9. 19. A small grease fire can be extinguished with
  10. 20. Hold cold foods at less than this temperature.
  1. 1. Type of shoes appropriate for wear in the kitchen.
  2. 2. The food most likely to contain E.coli
  3. 4. To reach something on a high shelf, use this
  4. 5. This is how you should always behave in the kitchen.
  5. 7. Spreading bacteria to another food
  6. 11. Personnel safety is regulated by _________.
  7. 12. Before cooking and after handling raw meat, ALWAYS do this.
  8. 14. The best place for thawing frozen food
  9. 15. Pot handles should always be turned _______ from the front of the stovetop.
  10. 18. Reducing pathogens to safe levels