Kitchen Safety

  1. 1. you should heat leftovers to _ before eating
  2. 4. how many people are hopstlized manually for food borne illness.
  3. 6. Who makes labor laws?
  4. 8. What is the process of cleanly handling food?
  5. 11. you should not touch your ___ when cooking.
  6. 12. Your freezer should be ___ or below.
  7. 15. what does the second E stand for in EEOC?
  8. 16. you should wash your hands before ____
  9. 19. what is the second C?
  10. 20. what does SDS stand for?
  11. 24. _____ can cause immediate injury
  12. 26. Your fridge should be ____ or below.
  1. 1. what does the O stand for in EEOC?
  2. 2. ______ are gases, vapors, liquids ect.
  3. 3. You need to wear ___ in the kitchen to protect your feet.
  4. 5. what is the fourth C?
  5. 7. What is the danger zone?
  6. 9. You should tie back long ___ when cooking.
  7. 10. ____ in the kitchen means using precautionary methods in the kitchen to prevent accidents.
  8. 13. what does the C stand for in EEOC?
  9. 14. what is the third C?
  10. 17. Who's laws protect workers from job hazards?
  11. 18. The danger zone is where ____ grows best.
  12. 20. 1 out of every _ people get a foodborne illness anually
  13. 21. all workplaces have hazards some hurt you now and others can hurt you in the ___.
  14. 22. Tell your _____ if you have been hurt on the job.
  15. 23. what is the first C?
  16. 25. what does the first E in EEOC stand for?