Kitchen Safety sanitation

  1. 2. 20 seconds of?
  2. 4. Always keep a _______ next to your kitten at all times.
  3. 5. You need to keep freeze food for cooking about?
  4. 9. Don't have a ____ have a clean one to keeps germs awawy.
  5. 10. Always clean up ___ so you don't have mess and dirty kitten.
  6. 11. Always clean and_____ the household.
  7. 14. Never mix Chemical with______ together!
  8. 17. Cover all of the _____ to make sure to put it away when using cleaning chemicals.
  9. 19. One of the four elements of cooking temperature.
  10. 21. Keep elections cords away from?
  11. 22. Holds knifes by the?
  12. 24. Used what to prevent exposing cuts or sores?
  13. 25. One of the four elements in cooking freeze.
  14. 26. must keep food above the Fahrenheit?
  1. 1. Never put your finger in the mixers or ____ at all times.
  2. 3. Keeps your kitten clean and sparkles.
  3. 6. ___ put water on grease fire.
  4. 7. Make sure to have not have wet hands on the elections instead have hands that are?
  5. 8. Keep a clean floors with no spills and____.
  6. 12. One of the elements that requires orders.
  7. 13. Always keep your knifes what?
  8. 15. one of the elements that require washing.
  9. 16. Make sure you are wearing something that can protect you.
  10. 18. Don't try to catch a ____ you will hurt yourself.
  11. 20. Make sure that the ____ is off.
  12. 23. Keeps___ away from fire it'd will catch on fire.