Kitchen Safety

  1. 1. Never ____ a cord out of the outlet/wall.
  2. 4. ______ and drinking are two of the ways that poisons can enter the body.
  3. 6. Never use a ____ to get food out of a toaster.
  4. 8. If you ____ something, wipe it up right away.
  5. 9. Use an _______ to get hot pans out of an oven.
  6. 12. Always cut ___ from yourself.
  7. 13. Who do you call if someone is accidentally poisoned?
  8. 14. Do not run electric ____ under rugs.
  9. 16. Never _____ household cleaners together.
  10. 17. Always stand to the ____ when you open an oven.
  11. 18. If you have a rug in the kitchen, be sure it has a ______ back.
  12. 20. Another way to put out a grease fire is to put a ___ on it.
  1. 2. Know the location of learn how to use a fire
  2. 3. Never use an electrical appliance if your hands are
  3. 5. Many _________ chemicals are poisonous.
  4. 7. When using a knife, always place food on a
  5. 10. A well-_______ room would have an open window an a fan on.
  6. 11. Never try to catch a knife, if it _______.
  7. 15. If misused,electricity can cause___, burns or death.
  8. 19. Baking soda or _____ can be used to put out a grease fire