Kitchen Safety

  1. 2. Turn off when done using it
  2. 4. Turn off when cleaning
  3. 5. Don't wear it when cooking
  4. 6. Use the right tool
  5. 7. Pick it up
  6. 8. Don't add chemicals to food
  7. 11. Wear proper shoes
  8. 12. Tie it back
  9. 13. Use knife correctly
  10. 17. Lift lids away from face
  11. 18. Keep food out of this zone
  12. 19. Concentrate on task
  1. 1. Keep flames away from clothes and towels
  2. 2. Clean up floor
  3. 3. Use knife block
  4. 9. Always wash hands
  5. 10. Use dry hands
  6. 14. Don't store food and chemicals together
  7. 15. Don't use a Dull Knife
  8. 16. Use Oven Mitts