Kitchen Safety

  1. 1. Store knives in a_______, not in a drawer.
  2. 3. How you cool burns.
  3. 4. A device you use when someone is having an allergic reaction.
  4. 7. Any liquid left on the floor can lead to this.
  5. 10. A common allergy, that is also a problem in schools.
  6. 14. A very serious symptom of any food-borne Illness.
  7. 15. If a fire starts in the oven, turn it off and leave the ________________.
  8. 16. A costly investment, but is worth it.
  9. 17. When doing a job right, it’s best to use the right _____.
  10. 18. ___________are actually more dangerous than sharp ones.
  11. 20. Allergic reaction symptom to the heart.
  1. 2. Have a minimum of two different ______________for meats and veggies.
  2. 5. Always ______________on the job being done.
  3. 6. Keep close a _______________in case of any hot disasters.
  4. 8. The number you call in case of an emergency.
  5. 9. Used to smother a small grease fire.
  6. 11. One of the most common food-borne Illnesses.
  7. 12. Inject EpiPen in at a ________degree angle.
  8. 13. Most caused by unattended cooking involving fat, grease, or oil.
  9. 19. Allergic reaction symptom to the skin.