Kitchen Tools and Equipment

  1. 2. board used to protect counter tops while cutting foods
  2. 6. measuring cup used to measure liquid ingredients
  3. 7. pan used to bake breads
  4. 8. used to lift and turn foods, such as pancakes and cookies
  5. 10. beater is not electric and is used to beat foods as eggs, egg whites, and whip cream
  6. 12. peeler used to peel the skin off fruits and vegetables, also used as a garnishing tool
  7. 13. thermometer used to measure the internal temperatures of foods
  8. 14. for serving soups, stews, and sauces
  9. 15. whisk used to beat, whisk, and stir
  10. 17. edge spatula used for leveling dry measuring cups and spreading icing icing on cakes
  11. 18. used to break up solid foods such as boiled fruits or vegetables
  12. 19. measuring cup used to measure dry ingredients
  1. 1. used to take chicken wings out of hot grease
  2. 2. rack allows baked goods to cool
  3. 3. tine fork used to hold large meats in place while cutting with a knife
  4. 4. used to eliminate lumps in foods such as four, powder sugar, and cocoa
  5. 5. cutter for cutting pizzas and pies
  6. 9. spatula used to scrape food from the inside of a bowl
  7. 10. pin used to stretch and roll dough, such as pie crust, cookies, and biscuits
  8. 11. brush used to brush glazes and butter on foods
  9. 13. spoons used to measure small amounts of dry and liquid ingredients
  10. 16. used for rinsing and draining foods