Kitchen Utensils

  1. 2. holds ingredients as they are combined
  2. 4. fold ingredients in and cleaning the sides of mixing bowls
  3. 9. beat, blend, and whip foods
  4. 10. serving punches, soups, and stews
  5. 14. lifts and flips foods
  6. 15. chop, dice, and mince fruits and veggies
  7. 16. measure small amounts of liquid and dry ingredients
  8. 17. trims away skin on foods
  9. 18. separate solids from liquids or sift small amounts of dry ingredients
  10. 19. protects both the counter top and knife's edge when cutting food
  11. 21. flattens dough to a thin, even layer
  12. 22. snipping herbs and cutting soft food
  1. 1. holds meat and poultry for slicing
  2. 3. holds food while allowing liquid from cooking to rinse or drain off
  3. 5. measure liquid ingredients
  4. 6. measure dry ingredients
  5. 7. shreds and shaves food
  6. 8. remove foods from cooking liquid
  7. 11. opener cuts lids away from canned foods
  8. 12. turn or move foods without piercing
  9. 13. slice bread and tender veggies
  10. 20. measure cooking and baking time