Kitchen Utensils, By Atif Nazimdeen

  1. 2. For processing vegetables such as potatoes
  2. 3. For whipping cream, eggs and other foods
  3. 7. Small knife used for slicing and chopping
  4. 8. For accurate measurements of small quantities
  5. 10. To heat and cook foods
  6. 11. For picking up hot foods during cooking
  7. 12. Utensil used to scrape down bowls and plates
  8. 14. Used to stir foods
  9. 17. Used to finely shred foods such as carrots and cheese.
  10. 18. Used for accurate measurements of liquids
  1. 1. Used for accurate measurements of dry ingredient.
  2. 4. For accurate measurements of food weight
  3. 5. Used for sifting dry ingredients such as flour or straining liquid off foods
  4. 6. A wooden utensil used to roll out foods, for example, pastry
  5. 7. To remove skin from vegetables such as carrots
  6. 9. For testing readiness of cooking, for example, cakes and fruit
  7. 12. Used to brush over foods
  8. 13. Provides a solid base for cutting food or resting hot pans
  9. 15. Bowl used mainly to combine food
  10. 16. Required for sautéing and shallow frying