KN - TACOHAI - VOCAB - G8U7 - PART 2 - 240304 - E

  1. 3. (n) A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, including both living organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms) and non-living components (soil, water, air).
  2. 7. (n) Something that is manufactured or produced as a result of a process, often for sale or distribution in the market.
  3. 8. (np) A natural resource or energy source that is replenished naturally and can be used indefinitely without depletion, such as solar energy, wind power, or biomass.
  4. 11. (n) A particular kind of matter with uniform properties, characterized by its composition and structure.
  5. 13. (n) The presence of harmful or undesirable substances or contaminants in the environment, such as air, water, or soil, often resulting from human activities.
  6. 14. (v) To take part or be involved in an activity, event, or process, contributing to its execution or outcome.
  7. 15. (n) A large marine mammal belonging to the order Sirenia, similar to the manatee, found in warm coastal waters of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans, primarily feeding on seagrasses.
  8. 17. (v) To make smaller or decrease in size, quantity, or extent; also, to minimize or lessen the amount or intensity of something.
  9. 19. (n) The natural environment or surroundings in which a particular species or community of organisms lives, including physical factors such as climate, soil, and vegetation.
  1. 1. (n) The complete disappearance or eradication of a species or group of organisms from the Earth, typically as a result of environmental changes, natural disasters, or human activities.
  2. 2. (np) A species at risk of extinction due to factors such as habitat loss, pollution, climate change, or overexploitation by humans, often requiring conservation efforts to prevent their disappearance.
  3. 4. (n) A group of organisms with similar characteristics that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature; the basic unit of biological classification and evolution.
  4. 5. (np) A colorless, odorless gas composed of carbon and oxygen molecules (CO2), produced by the combustion of carbon-containing fuels, respiration, and other natural processes. It is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and climate change.
  5. 6. (n) The movement of people, goods, or materials from one place to another, typically using vehicles, infrastructure, or systems designed for transportation.
  6. 8. (v) To set free or allow something to escape from confinement or restraint; also, to make something available for public distribution or consumption.
  7. 9. (n) A marine invertebrate organism that forms colonies of calcium carbonate structures, often found in tropical oceans and reefs, providing habitats for a diverse range of marine life.
  8. 10. (np) Waste or refuse materials made of synthetic polymers, particularly plastic, often discarded improperly and contributing to environmental pollution.
  9. 12. (phr.v) To deactivate or switch off a device, appliance, or light source; also, to cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasm in something.
  10. 16. (n) A person, animal, or plant that resides or lives in a particular place or region, often implying permanence or long-term presence.
  11. 18. (adj) Poisonous or harmful to living organisms, often capable of causing illness, injury, or death when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed.