Knaz- Chapter 2 Vocab

  1. 2. business that has its own life
  2. 3. accounting principles
  3. 7. information put into computer
  4. 11. cycle of time covered by reported
  5. 13. buys goods to resell for profit
  6. 15. could make ends meet
  7. 19. information to give footing
  8. 21. way of thinking
  9. 22. turns ideas into a business
  10. 23. level of sound or quantity
  11. 24. breathes without the owner
  12. 25. worried about business survival
  13. 26. important core of business
  14. 27. free willed operation
  15. 28. hand worked information
  1. 1. information to inside users
  2. 4. concise detail
  3. 5. one owner of business
  4. 6. two owners of business
  5. 8. gives rights to corporation
  6. 9. information to outside users
  7. 10. a design to report transactions
  8. 12. money lost
  9. 14. money brought in by banks
  10. 16. brought on
  11. 17. works on products for profit
  12. 18. money brought in
  13. 20. provide certain aid for a fee