Knights of the Board Room by Joey W. Hill

  1. 5. Rachel kept Jon at arm's length by making him believe she was _____.
  2. 6. Name of BDSM club in New Orleans the Knights like
  3. 8. City where Board Resolution happens
  4. 12. This book's meetcute involved the hero finding the heroine masturbating on a motorcycle
  5. 16. The only KBR series book that is FDom/msub (instead of M/f)
  6. 19. Ben says every day should start with this kind of cake
  7. 20. Matt refuses to use what in front of a woman?
  8. 22. Former Navy SEAL, main hero of Book 6
  9. 25. Retired Navy SEAL with prosthetic leg, made first appearance in Book 6 and has his own nonseries story. What's the title?
  10. 27. Savannah's business rivals gave her this unflattering nickname.
  1. 1. Heroine who was still a virgin at age 35
  2. 2. All of the KBR heroes lost this at a young age
  3. 3. The Knight in the National Guard
  4. 4. Pleasuring this part of a woman is Peter's sexual specialty.
  5. 7. The book that is permafree in the KBR series
  6. 9. The Knight who is an extreme sadist and loves to cook
  7. 10. Rachel, Jon's submissive, is a physical therapist. But she also teaches what?
  8. 11. What Cassandra, Lucas's submissive, wears to remind her to stay in emotional control
  9. 13. Marcie's age when she first fell in love with Ben
  10. 14. Reporter who gave the Kensington & Associates team the nickname Knights of the Board Room
  11. 15. The fond (and sometimes less fond) nickname Ben calls Marcie?
  12. 17. Book with the cop hero who likes late night convenience store nachos
  13. 18. The Knight who designed the boardroom table where erotic encounters happen with their heroines
  14. 21. Every Knight has a sexual specialty. What's Lucas's?
  15. 23. Dana lost full use of her ____ in an IED explosion.
  16. 24. Oldest KBR series hero (and Joey's favorite!)
  17. 26. Peter's submissive, Dana, served in this branch of the military