Know Your Computer

  1. 3. select things by pressing mouse button
  2. 5. you open this so you can search the internet
  3. 7. a list of commands
  4. 9. close a window of a program
  5. 11. this is the arrow that points on the computer screen
  6. 12. major browser in internet
  7. 14. move an object by holding it and then letting go
  8. 16. quit programs and turn off the computer
  9. 17. send a letter
  10. 21. organize files and folders
  11. 22. uses the internet to break into a computer or network
  12. 23. where files go when they are no longer wanted
  13. 24. when a computer or program shuts down by itself and fails to work
  14. 25. World Wide _____
  1. 1. these letters stand for Uniform Resource Locator
  2. 2. something the computer can get that causes damage
  3. 3. what you are using right now to process and store data
  4. 4. the main chip in a computer
  5. 6. you do this when you are done creating a file you don't want to lose
  6. 8. this is done to move the screen up or down
  7. 10. small graphic picture of an object
  8. 13. to make changes to a document
  9. 15. remove a file from computer
  10. 16. give a name to the file and store in a certain place
  11. 18. a company that provides internet service
  12. 19. instructions for computer
  13. 20. this stands for megahertz