Know Your Diabetes

  1. 2. The strongest word in our life and the most important in fighting diabetes
  2. 4. How many types of diabetes are there
  3. 5. One of the most common causes of Diabetes is when this increases. We have to buy new clothes when we become this.
  4. 8. This Organ is responsible for Diabetes
  5. 9. This is how we can stay in shape and also control diabetes
  6. 12. The one most important thing that you can spread to others very easily
  1. 1. The most important person who should be consulted for any emergency
  2. 3. This is a risk factor for diabetes and cancer
  3. 6. One of our major sense organs which gets effected due to diabetes and we should go to a specialist regularly
  4. 7. A name used when diabetes is caused from Father to son, Mother to daughter, Grand father to Grand Daughter etc.
  5. 10. When the levels of blood sugar increase, doctors will prescribe this injection to control Type 2 Diabetes
  6. 11. The one thing that is more important than wealth