- 2. The first full length computer-generated feature film
- 5. The domain name extension .com means this
- 7. Commonly used but difficult to master programing language
- 9. Chess-playing computer developed by IBM that defeated world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997
- 12. The largest manufacturer of network equipment?
- 13. This man created the first Apple Macintosh computer
- 15. Operating system created by Dennis Richie, Ken Thompson, and Douglas Mcllroy
- 16. AI stands for this
- 20. A little known operating system that's still used today
- 1. The first digital computer
- 3. Currently the most powerful computer in the world
- 4. The name of the first personal computer ever made. (Invented by Berkeley Enterprises)
- 6. What AMD stands for
- 8. What RAM stands for
- 10. Creator of the linux operating system
- 11. One of the two big competitors in the operating system business
- 14. Family of computers developed by Commodore in 1980s & 1990s
- 17. The first computer to wear the PC label
- 18. Co-Founder of Google Inc.
- 19. The first electric programmable computer model