Know Your Facts: Computers

  1. 2. The first full length computer-generated feature film
  2. 5. The domain name extension .com means this
  3. 7. Commonly used but difficult to master programing language
  4. 9. Chess-playing computer developed by IBM that defeated world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997
  5. 12. The largest manufacturer of network equipment?
  6. 13. This man created the first Apple Macintosh computer
  7. 15. Operating system created by Dennis Richie, Ken Thompson, and Douglas Mcllroy
  8. 16. AI stands for this
  9. 20. A little known operating system that's still used today
  1. 1. The first digital computer
  2. 3. Currently the most powerful computer in the world
  3. 4. The name of the first personal computer ever made. (Invented by Berkeley Enterprises)
  4. 6. What AMD stands for
  5. 8. What RAM stands for
  6. 10. Creator of the linux operating system
  7. 11. One of the two big competitors in the operating system business
  8. 14. Family of computers developed by Commodore in 1980s & 1990s
  9. 17. The first computer to wear the PC label
  10. 18. Co-Founder of Google Inc.
  11. 19. The first electric programmable computer model