Know your health facts

  1. 4. When a human egg is fertilised outside of the body
  2. 6. An important component of weightloss
  3. 7. Joyfulness
  4. 10. Volatile organic compound
  5. 12. Fatigue from travelling
  6. 13. Toxic preservatives found in certain lotions
  7. 15. Caused by prolonged overuse of alcohol
  1. 1. Age-related illness
  2. 2. An insulin problem
  3. 3. Essential fatty acids
  4. 5. Hormone Replacement Therapy
  5. 8. Someone who suffers from sleeplessness
  6. 9. A type of treatment for cancer
  7. 11. Reflux
  8. 14. Uncommon blood type
  9. 16. Research done on medicines