Know your health facts

  1. 2. Essential fatty acids
  2. 5. An uncommon blood type
  3. 6. Fatigue from travelling
  4. 9. Toxic preservatives found in lotions
  5. 10. Extract from chillies
  6. 13. A congenital condition
  7. 14. A type of high-protein diet
  8. 15. Unsafe colourant in some self-tan products
  9. 17. Condition resulting from prolonged exposure to excessive heat
  10. 20. Caused by prolonged overuse of alcohol
  11. 21. Joyfulness
  12. 24. Female hormone
  13. 26. Calcified component of the teeth
  14. 27. A very durable plastic
  15. 28. Fat-burning hormone
  1. 1. male reproductive gland
  2. 3. Research done on medicines
  3. 4. An insulin problem
  4. 7. A hormone that raises blood sugar
  5. 8. Reflux
  6. 11. A type of treatment for cancer
  7. 12. An arm lift
  8. 16. Toxic chemical found in some nail polishes
  9. 18. Feeling of nervousness and fear
  10. 19. Skin condition
  11. 22. Someone who suffers from sleeplessness
  12. 23. An important component of weight-loss
  13. 25. A diet high in fibre and low in sugar keeps _____ in check