Know your Mahabharata

  1. 3. Son of Satyavati who was killed by a Gandharva of the same name
  2. 8. Krishna is known by this epithet as he was Arjuna's charioteer
  3. 10. Shiva appeared in this form to test Arjuna's martial skills
  4. 11. This parvan tells the story of Krishna's death
  5. 13. Son of the Pandava hero, Abhimanyu
  6. 14. Bhima killed this powerful King of Magadha in a wrestling encounter
  7. 16. This bird's hunting style inspired Ashvattama to kill the Pandava army that was sleeping in the night
  8. 19. King of Sindhu and husband of Dushshala
  9. 20. Name of Karna's foster mother
  10. 21. Son born to Arjuna and Chitrangadha
  11. 22. The Vishnusahasranama is found in this parvan
  12. 23. Name given to a complete army of elephants, chariots, horses and foot soldiers
  1. 1. Another name of Karna
  2. 2. Bhishma's real name
  3. 4. Name of Yudhishtra when he served in King Virata's court
  4. 5. Another name for the epic
  5. 6. Yudhistra revived his dead brothers by answering these riddles posed by Dharmaraja
  6. 7. Satyavati's son through sage Parashara
  7. 9. Who killed Shakuni in the Kurukshetra war?
  8. 12. He commanded the Kaurava forces on the last day of the war
  9. 15. This devata gave Krishna his Chakra/discus
  10. 17. Yudhishtra performed this sacrifice to proclaim his sovereignty to which he invited the Kauravas
  11. 18. A potent divine weapon used in the war
  12. 22. Draupadi is equated to this goddess in the epic