Know Your Ranks

  1. 1. This NCO rank is unique to the Air Force.
  2. 4. Officers are designated by this except warrant officers.
  3. 5. Air Force personnel are referred to as ______.
  4. 7. This lowest classification of military personnel has little or no command authority.
  5. 8. This military branch supports the Army and Air Force.
  6. 9. This E-7 rank is unique to the Marine Corps.
  1. 2. Academy training for the Navy and Marine Corps takes place in this city.
  2. 3. A lower rank in other branches, this rank is much higher in the Navy and Coast Guard.
  3. 4. This O-5 rank is unique to the Navy and Cost Guard.
  4. 6. The proper salutation for an Army sergeant, staff sergeant, or sergeant first class.