
  1. 4. A large painting or artwork applied directly to a wall or ceiling, often depicting scenes or images of significance.
  2. 5. A person who creates sculptures or three-dimensional artwork, using techniques like carving, modeling, or casting.
  3. 7. The act or skill of using paint to create images or designs on a surface, like canvas or paper.
  4. 8. Ceramic ware made by shaping and then firing clay, often used for functional objects like bowls, plates, and vases.
  5. 10. A style or movement in painting characterized by capturing the impression or feeling of a scene, often using quick brushstrokes and bold colors.
  6. 12. A painting, drawing, or photograph depicting natural scenery, such as mountains, valleys, or forests.
  7. 13. A strong, coarse cloth made of hemp, cotton, or linen, used as a surface for painting or drawing.
  1. 1. Art that does not attempt to represent external reality, instead focusing on shapes, colors, and forms to create its own visual language.
  2. 2. The art of beautiful handwriting, often using special pens or brushes to create elegant and decorative lettering.
  3. 3. A painting, drawing, or photograph of a person, capturing their likeness and often emphasizing their facial features.
  4. 5. The art of making two- or three-dimensional forms or figures by carving, modeling, or casting materials like clay, stone, or metal.
  5. 6. The act or art of creating pictures, designs, or diagrams using pencils, pens, or other tools on paper or other surfaces.
  6. 7. A thin board or slab on which an artist mixes paints, typically with indentations for holding colors.
  7. 9. Life A painting or drawing that features inanimate objects, such as fruit, flowers, or everyday items arranged in a composition.
  8. 11. A rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often done quickly to capture an idea or impression.