Knowledge Check: Acute & Chronic Renal Failure Module

  1. 3. Common cause of CKD.
  2. 5. decreased blood flow to or through the kidney
  3. 6. end result of irreparable damage to kidneys
  4. 8. Stage 5 CKD
  5. 10. Manifestation of intrarenal AKI.
  6. 11. Can also cause CKD when BG not controlled.
  1. 1. Manifestation of CKD caused by decreased erythropoietin production
  2. 2. occurs due to obstruction to urine outflow
  3. 4. caused by structural damage within kidney
  4. 7. Does urine output increase or decrease with AKI?
  5. 9. abrupt and reversible injury to the kidneys