Knowledge Management Implementation in a Library

  1. 4. Ensure proper utilization of knowledge with necessary modification in the system.
  2. 7. Personal, experience-based knowledge.
  3. 9. Phase three of the KM Cycle.
  4. 11. Model concerned with perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of technology, before deciding whether to adopt said technology
  5. 12. Phase two of the KM Cycle.
  6. 13. A continuous process of learning and reflection that happens by working on real issues.
  7. 15. Formal, codified and systematic knowledge.
  1. 1. An increasing number of library KM tools will need to be accessed on these devices.
  2. 2. Tools that are a paid service and supported by other companies.
  3. 3. Helps organize information, documents and libraries in a consistent manner.
  4. 5. Connecting people with knowledge needs to experts.
  5. 6. Knowledge capture or creation, knowledge sharing or dissemination, and knowledge acquisition and application: the KM…
  6. 8. Direct knowledge transfer between individuals.
  7. 10. If KM is about people and not about tools, then technology is the cart and people are the…
  8. 14. Phase one of the KM Cycle.
  9. 16. The name of a common document-sharing tool from phase two of the KM Cycle.