
  1. 3. A type of land form by plate tectonics
  2. 4. Another type of currant
  3. 6. matter has it
  4. 7. the continents ride on it
  5. 9. A type of currant
  6. 12. from a animail
  7. 14. an area on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates collide One plate eventually slides beneath the other a process known as subduction
  8. 15. A place where there is magma in a volano
  9. 16. From sun
  10. 18. Super Continent
  11. 19. where a lot of volcanos happen
  12. 21. inside the earth
  13. 22. causes a fault between two plates of the lithosphere which will slide past one another
  1. 1. when an oceanic plate runs into a continental plate and slides beneath it.
  2. 2. from a hole in the earth
  3. 5. Land gets make over time
  4. 7. What the continent ride on
  5. 8. a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  6. 10. The continents are away's moving
  7. 11. on the earth
  8. 13. Where volcanos make a island
  9. 17. Oceans get them when the plates pull apart
  10. 20. where earthquakes happen