Koalafi Crossword Tournament

  1. 3. Mandatory disclosure when the customer is making a payment with a card or ach not on file
  2. 5. Tab were you can find how many past due days the customer have.
  3. 8. What kind of food can make us smile?.
  4. 9. Banking term that can't be use to explain how the lease agreement works.
  5. 15. Legal bond between the customer and Koalafi in regards of the leased items or services.
  6. 18. Second way out ou the lease agreement.
  7. 19. When a payment is rejected by the bank it will show as?
  8. 21. Period to get out of the lease without additional cost, varies between 90-120 days.
  9. 22. What disclosure is mandatory for past due, pending settlement and charge off?
  10. 23. Mandatory amount that need to be collected becuase its belongs to the state.
  11. 26. Status were the customer have 30 days to select to create the lease agreement.
  12. 29. Last option to ask when the customer missed or is not willing to verify the L4SSN or DOB.
  13. 30. Acronym. Includes Initial payment, cash price of the leased items, taxes, and full cost of rental.
  14. 31. Date stablished in the system once the dealer has receive the funds after delivering the items or service.
  1. 1. A month we report to the credit bureau agency.
  2. 2. What belongs to you but is used more by others?
  3. 4. When the customer has paid the full lease agreement including COR
  4. 6. What kind of mail can a mouse send?
  5. 7. Acronym. Escalation team that handle special cases in the best interest of Koalafi.
  6. 10. Credit report agency that Koalafi reports to.
  7. 11. Which is the only we can't collect since it's protected by a court order?.
  8. 12. Legal document that gives permission to a lawyer to represent a customer, even negotiate on his/her behalf.
  9. 13. What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
  10. 14. Acronym. Additional amount agreed in the lease agreement if the customer is unable to pay within the cash+ period.
  11. 16. A case were we must advise the customer to send a police report to our cs inbox to investigate and report back to the bureau if necessary.
  12. 17. If the customer pass 120 days past due the account will be?
  13. 20. What must be broken before you can use it?.
  14. 24. Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?.
  15. 25. Last day to pay off the lease agreement.
  16. 27. I am small and brow. I eat nuts. I can climb trees. I have a nice tail.
  17. 28. Acronym. Is the amount the customer will have introduced in the conversation, but it is not forced to pay.