Kobey Brewster ch.11 science crossword

  1. 4. The transformation of a solid to a gas.
  2. 5. In the context of chemistry, the transformation of a gas. In earth science, the process of laying down eroded material in new locations.
  3. 7. A term synonymous with chemical change.
  4. 8. The transformation of a solid to a liquid.
  5. 9. The force of attraction between two atoms that holds them together.
  1. 1. The formation of a new substance(s) by the rearrangement of the atoms of the original material(s).
  2. 2. Matter that has a definite volume and a definite shape.
  3. 3. The transformation of a liquid to a gas.
  4. 6. The study of matter and the transformations it can undergo.
  5. 7. A notation that indicates the composition of a compound,consisting of the atomic symbols for the elements in the compound and numerical subscripts indicating the ratio in which the atoms combine