
  1. 2. Both men and women wear this everyday
  2. 4. a popular dish.veggies,meat,rice,chili paste
  3. 7. don't call someone by name.Use their family ___
  4. 8. at birth a baby is already ____year old.
  5. 10. This live fish is a delicacy in Korea
  6. 11. These glass noodles are made from sweet potato
  7. 15. Samgyetang has this and chicken
  8. 17. how many tribes was Korea separated by
  9. 19. This festival hopes to get rid of spirits
  10. 21. Korean sausage-a popular street food
  11. 22. a dish of sausage,spam,noodles and vegetables
  12. 23. the month of the ice festival.
  13. 24. do not eat with these,it's impolite(hint:hands)
  14. 26. The Capital of South Korea
  15. 27. These are used to serve tables,teach&officers
  16. 28. Koreans are afraid of this number."bad luck"
  1. 1. this music is popular all over the world
  2. 3. Fermented cabbage. Often very spicy
  3. 5. People will ask what your__is.For personality
  4. 6. when eating soup, you do this
  5. 9. this day celebrates the Korean alphabet
  6. 12. Autumn harvest festival.Sept 28-Sept. 30
  7. 13. The oldest kingdom in Korea
  8. 14. this month celebrates has children's day
  9. 16. this phone company is based out of Seoul
  10. 18. The currency in Korea
  11. 20. Yun Suk Yeol is the ____.
  12. 25. Food___is important.Better then Doordash