Korea UTTC Tour 2024

  1. 3. What is the highest Dan achievable in our form of TKD?
  2. 6. This a form of fermented cabbage.
  3. 8. Day 12 (July 31) will be spent here.
  4. 11. Which city is home to Taekwondowon?
  5. 12. Which city has the world’s largest department store?
  6. 15. What U.S state is most similar in land size to South Korea?
  7. 17. In the Korean flag, this colour is the top of the circle.
  8. 19. What is the shortened abbreviation for Korean currency?
  9. 21. What viral 2012 song by a Korean rapper got it's name from a district in Seoul?
  10. 22. What is a palace where the changing of the guards will occur?
  11. 24. Where is the ITF World headquarters?
  1. 1. What is the name of the traditional dress of Korea?
  2. 2. What dynasty ended in the year 935?
  3. 4. Where is the international airport where we will arrive/depart from?
  4. 5. An 83m long bridge in the DMZ.
  5. 7. What is the most popular car brand in South Korea?
  6. 9. This zone divides Korea in two.
  7. 10. A temple considered to be the “essence of Silla culture”.
  8. 13. What day of the week will we arrive in Seoul (Day 1)?
  9. 14. What number is the Korean version of our 'unlucky number 13'?
  10. 16. South Korea's most valuable company with a market capitalization over $380 billion USD.
  11. 18. What is the national sport of Korea?
  12. 20. Korea hosted the summer Olympics in 198_.
  13. 23. World famous Korean music genre.