new testament book order

  1. 1. The enemy the US faced in Vietnam was known as_______.
  2. 2. At this University an anti-war protest resulted in 4 students killed.
  3. 3. What did the US want to stop from spreading during the Cold War?
  4. 5. This war was fought between 1950-1953.
  5. 6. At the Korean War Memorial in DC the soldiers are wearing______.
  6. 10. This is a war fought were no superpowers engage in direct conflict, they are smaller wars within a bigger war.
  7. 11. States This country supported South Vietnam.
  8. 12. This theory was the thought if one nation fell to communism they all would.
  9. 13. The 26th ______ allowed 18 year olds to vote, if they could fight in war they should vote.
  10. 14. The Gulf of _______ was an incident where Vietnam torpedo boats US Naval forces.
  1. 1. This war was fought between 1955-1975.
  2. 4. This General was fired for disobeying the President during the Korean War.
  3. 5. This President was assassinated and President during the Vietnam War.
  4. 7. This country had control of Korean & Vietnam during WWII.
  5. 8. This type of warfare was used in Vietnam, use of ambushes and sabotage was heavily used.
  6. 9. This policy was the practice of stopping communism from spreading.