Korean and Vietnam Wars

  1. 4. Viet Minh sympathizers located in Southern Vietnam
  2. 5. Battle which involved an invasion behind North Korean lines and was a major turning point in the Korean War
  3. 7. The belief that if one country fell to communism, others in the the area would do the same
  4. 9. This country entered the Korean War on the side of North Korea and helped push US forces back to the 38th parallel
  5. 10. Location at which US forces massacred 500 Vietnamese men, women, and children
  6. 13. Gulf in which two US destroyers were attacked North Vietnamese torpedoes
  7. 14. A gel used by US forces in the Vietnam War, which burns at around 1,500-2,200 degrees fahrenheit
  8. 15. Series of coordinated North Vietnamese attacks on 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam
  1. 1. United States president, during the Korean War, who clashed with Douglas MacArthur
  2. 2. Gradual withdrawal of US forces, increased aerial attacks, and training South Vietnamese forces to handle the ground war
  3. 3. Type of government found in North Korea and North Vietnam
  4. 6. North Vietnamese supply route which ran through the countries of Laos and Cambodia
  5. 8. Acronym for the army of North Korea
  6. 11. Battle which brought the end of French colonial rule in Vietnam
  7. 12. US military leader placed in charge of UN forces in Korea (last name)