Korean Crossword 2

  1. 1. Showing gratitude
  2. 3. Nation known as the land of the rising sun
  3. 5. Person who works in a school
  4. 8. Word equivalent of a thumbs up
  5. 10. Lyrics to a song
  6. 11. To listen, to detect
  7. 15. Any longer
  8. 17. Look to the heavens
  9. 19. Declaration of love
  10. 20. Produced by bees
  11. 21. Lives in the sea
  12. 22. At this very moment
  13. 23. Something you listen to
  1. 1. Opposite of white
  2. 2. Noise
  3. 4. When your stomach is empty
  4. 6. To use your voice as an instrument
  5. 7. A day, a month, a...
  6. 9. Person you hang out with
  7. 12. Day following this one
  8. 13. Current day
  9. 14. Color of the earth
  10. 16. Mammal
  11. 17. Language of Korea
  12. 18. Human