Korean Culture

  1. 1. Koreans on average eat 40 pounds of this side dishes.
  2. 4. A common food ingredient used to make Korean desserts such as fish-shaped bread and shaved ice.
  3. 7. This is a popular Korean alcoholic beverage that is clear in color.
  4. 8. Mandarin ducks represent fidelity, plentiful offspring and ________.
  5. 9. What color does the bride wear in Korean traditional wedding?
  1. 2. Word for Korean traditional clothing.
  2. 3. Korean word for side dishes.
  3. 5. At the end of the wedding, the couple catches dates and chestnuts in white cloth. What do dates represent?
  4. 6. Sikhye is a Korean sweet rice __________.
  5. 8. This soup was created during the Korean war and became popular in Busan, it is called ______ soup.