Korean Food

  1. 2. pickled (preserved)vegetables
  2. 5. Type of pajeon that has seafood in it
  3. 7. large bowl of rice covered in finely sliced vegtables, meats and spicy sauce
  4. 8. a type of spring onion pancake
  5. 9. district where pajeon originated from
  6. 11. to keep food over the long winter periods this technique is used
  7. 12. Korea's most popular snack
  8. 15. means batter
  9. 16. adjective form of Korea
  10. 17. fish, meats, and vegetables were preserved
  1. 1. a staple condiment at a Korean table
  2. 3. food is directly related to it
  3. 4. where rice, beans, and vegetables are grown
  4. 6. common type of seafood served at breakfast
  5. 10. means scallion
  6. 13. Koreans eat a large amount of this protein
  7. 14. accompanies chopsticks at a Korean table