Korean History Overview

  1. 4. a country ruling over another
  2. 7. a human social group
  3. 8. geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States (2 words joined)
  4. 10. the traditional term for the Buddhist scriptures.
  5. 11. a social class that a particular society considers its highest order.
  6. 16. the new Korean kingdom after Koryo
  7. 18. the state religion of the Choson Kingdom
  8. 20. a name used to refer to a large geographic region in Northeast Asia
  1. 1. relating to the period before written records
  2. 2. land surrounded by water on three sides
  3. 3. the kingdom that replaced Silla
  4. 5. living a life without fixed habitation, wandering
  5. 6. trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
  6. 9. nomadic herding people from central Asia that invaded Koryo
  7. 11. a formal agreement of warring parties to stop fighting
  8. 12. a royal ancestral shrine built in Seoul
  9. 13. the legendary founder of Korea
  10. 14. the state religion of Koguryo
  11. 15. a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting
  12. 16. Korean artistic pottery wares during the Koryo kingdom
  13. 17. a Korean script
  14. 19. a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack