korean war

  1. 2. President of North Korea
  2. 5. A policy; Protection of equal privileges for all countries trading with China
  3. 10. Military force of North Korea
  4. 12. 1945, maintains international peace & security
  5. 13. American military leader, controversial
  6. 16. Capital of North Korea
  7. 17. President of South Korea during the war
  8. 18. "United States courses of action with respect to Korea"
  9. 20. Commander of the U.S 8th army and United Nations Forces
  1. 1. Aka The 38th Parallel
  2. 3. Key area between the headwaters of the Imjin River
  3. 4. President's official house
  4. 6. Aka North Korea, communist
  5. 7. Government of what is currently China
  6. 8. 1950's, is called Taiwan currently
  7. 9. Japanese security that occupied the Kwantung Peninsula
  8. 11. City of South Korea, place where North Korea and the U.S tried to iron out an armistice
  9. 14. Aka South Korea, Democratic
  10. 15. General of the United States, died in a jeep accident
  11. 19. Capital of South Korea