The Korean War

  1. 3. support for North Korea
  2. 6. formed the border between North and South Korea
  3. 8. President at the beginning of the war
  4. 9. ideology of the Soviet Union, China,& North Korea
  5. 10. President at the end of the war
  6. 12. first action of the _______
  7. 14. supported by the Soviet Union
  8. 15. war weapon
  9. 16. End of war (write numbers as numbers, no letters)
  1. 1. location of North and South Korea
  2. 2. males of ages 18-35
  3. 4. a nickname for the Korean War
  4. 5. free answer(political)
  5. 7. policy of containment
  6. 11. backed up by the United States
  7. 13. Start of war (write numbers as numbers, no letters)