Korean War

  1. 3. A temporary suspension of fighting is known as a(n) _____ _____ (2 words).
  2. 5. A branch of the US military.
  3. 7. Most of the casualties in the war were _____.
  4. 10. The Korean War began when the North Korean Army crossed the 38th _____.
  5. 13. General Douglas MacArthur favored the possible use of _____ weapons during the war.
  6. 16. He was the American General in charge of US forces in the Asian region.
  7. 17. The Korea War lasted just over _____ years.
  8. 20. Organization of nations that works for world peace and security and the betterment of humanity (2 words).
  9. 22. US Marines made an amphibious landing at this strategic port in September 1950.
  10. 23. Former military commander who became President before the war ended.
  11. 24. The South Korean capital.
  1. 1. Soviet leader who died before the war came to an end.
  2. 2. He was the US President at the outbreak of the Korean War.
  3. 4. Korea had previously been a colony of this country.
  4. 6. The leader of US troops in Korea was relieved of command on charges of this.
  5. 8. A significant threat to the health of troops from both sides during the winter campaigns.
  6. 9. As part of the agreement to end the war a _____ zone was created between the two Koreas.
  7. 10. Peace talks began at _____ in July 1951.
  8. 11. The war was the first military conflict of the larger _____ _____ (2 words).
  9. 12. Because issues in Vietnam eventually occupied America's consciousness, the Korean War is often called the _____ War.
  10. 14. He was the Secretary of State under President Truman.
  11. 15. Communist leader of China during the Korean War (2 words)
  12. 18. He was the anti-communist dictator of South Korea.
  13. 19. The statues of the Korean War Memorial are made of _____.
  14. 21. The North Korean capital.