Korean War

  1. 2. Branch of the US Armed Forces
  2. 4. _______ rule over Korea ended on august 15th, 1945 due to the fact that the United States and the Soviet Union occupied the territory.
  3. 6. He supported North Korea and prompted their leader, Kim II Sung to invade South Korea.
  4. 7. He ordered the U.S. forces to fight in Korean War and aided South Korea.
  5. 8. President _________ traveled to Korea with a goal to end the Korean War
  1. 1. The 38th ________ divided South Korea and North Korea.
  2. 3. Five-star general, and the commander of the UN forces
  3. 5. Armistice Agreement was a ______ between North and South Korea that was signed on July 27, 1953.