Korean war crossword

  1. 2. capital of north Korea
  2. 5. who entered the war on south Koreas behalf
  3. 6. where the united nations invaded
  4. 9. Korea was part of
  5. 14. what was the us side called
  6. 15. leader of the us 8th army
  7. 17. who was the us secretary of state 1893-1971
  8. 18. president of the us
  9. 19. former name of Taiwan
  10. 20. sided with north Korea
  1. 1. president of south Korea
  2. 3. joins the united nations
  3. 4. what was the united nations trying to stop
  4. 7. sung president of north Korea
  5. 8. capital of south Korea
  6. 10. Korea fell into this after the war
  7. 11. port on the west coast of Korea
  8. 12. who wanted to surrender
  9. 13. the river between china and north Korea
  10. 16. was called the forgotten war