Korean War

  1. 3. - Located on the southeast tip of the Korean peninsula, it is one of Korea's greatest ports. After the initial North Korean invasion in 1950, ROK forces were pushed back to Pusan.
  2. 5. - Today called Taiwan, Formosa was the seat of Chiang Kai- Shek's Chinese nationalist government-in-exile after it was defeated by Mao's Communist forces.
  3. 7. - A buffer zone between North and South Korea created under the terms of the armistice signed on July 27, 1953 which ended the war. Though the zone was supposed to be free of both troops and weapons, in practice it is heavily militarized, with over 1 million North and South Korean troops facing off.
  4. 8. - The official army of North Korea.
  5. 10. - High-ranking American military council, comprised of the chairman, the vice chairman, the chief of staff of the army, the chief of naval operations, the chief of staff of the air force, and the commandant of the Marine Corps.
  6. 13. - MacArthur's Marines, responsible for the Inchon invasion.
  7. 14. - National Security Council document that gave a rationale by which the UN Commander (i.e. MacArthur) would cross the 38TH Parallel and invade North Korea. NSC-81/1 stated that, if possible, the US should try and bring about complete unification of an anti-Communist Korean state. The document has been criticized for espousing faulty logic.
  8. 15. - Normally the Vice President's residence, Truman lived in Blair House because the White House was being renovated. It was in Blair House that Truman and his key advisors met to discuss the Korean War.
  9. 16. - Area in North Korea bounded by Pyonggang (not Pyongyang), Chorwon, and Kumhwa. The Iron Triangle was the Communists staging area for attacks into South Korea.
  10. 18. - An 1899-1900 foreign policy of the US in reference to China, under which all countries would have equal trade privileges in China.
  11. 22. - An international peace-keeping organization established after World War II.
  12. 23. - Location where the ROK Army established a temporary command during the early stages of North Korea's invasion.
  1. 1. - A river dividing North Korea from Manchuria.
  2. 2. - A valuable industrial and agricultural center, Manchuria lies to the north of Korea, and has variously belonged to Imperial China, Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, Japan, and the People's Republic of China.
  3. 3. - Democratic People's Republic of Korea. (North Korea)
  4. 4. - The location of the second half of the peace-treaty negotiations during the Korean War. Near the 38th Parallel.
  5. 6. - Communist China.
  6. 9. - South Korean capital.
  7. 11. - A port on the West Coast of Korea. On September 15, 1950, MacArthur made a surprise amphibious landing here which allowed his X Corps to retake Seoul and the rest of South Korea.
  8. 12. - Truman's secretary of state. Acheson came under attack during McCarthyism.
  9. 17. - Republic of Korea. (South Korea)
  10. 19. - The North Korean capital.
  11. 20. Army - Japanese Army that occupied Manchuria before and during World War II.
  12. 21. - An island belonging to the Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai- Shek.